Tuesday 20 May 2014

Trends of Higher Education in Haryana

India’s education system, as one of the worlds largest, has been studied and reflected on through academic papers, used as a case study and been the subject of many renowned books. Higher education system, originally designed to serve the elite, will now have to serve the people. Innovation and change are required and it is important to understand that change will be essential specially in states like Haryana. Education has always been and continues to be one of the most important needs of mankind. It helps man indoctrinate values and apply the technical know-how in real life situations. In the emerging global world order, India is trying to position itself as a knowledge driven economy and so is our state Haryana. Higher education assumes tremendous importance in this context. Large scale changes are being talked about and may indeed be implemented. Value addition has been made by many UGC approved Indian Universities by s adopting modern tools and techniques. If we talk about Haryana state, where Gross Enrollment ratio show tremendous improvement, one can visualize the future of higher education in state.Many reports and surveys are indicating positive sign towards the state education development.According to FICCI Higher Education Summit report 2011, GER has been increased from 10.5 (2004-05) percent to 18.8 percent(2009-10) in Haryana. Moreover for the year 2013 report of Annual status of Higher education of states and UTs (ASHE) in India highlighted further improvement in GER and recorded it to 24.1 percent for Haryana state. All these factors are responsible for redefining the path of quality education in the state. To meet up the challenges, the state and private universities of Haryana state have instill many contemporary courses in the pre existed curriculum. Moreover to ensure the holistic development of the students, many UGC recognized universities of Haryana like CLU, Manav Rachna, NIILM Univesity,  ITM University etc. are offering Ph.D in different subjects according to guidelines of UGC at nominal fee structure. Univeristies of state are emerging as premier research labs in northern region contributing to overall growth of state.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Brief Analysis Of The Indian Education System

Indian Education system is more restricted and curriculum centric wherein a teacher finishes the task by covering the syllabus. The role of a teacher has become narrower and system determined.The students are more interested in cramming the lessons rather than trying to understand the essence of them in real life.The grades decide a person’s intelligence. 
Knowledge is largely forgotten after the semester exams are over. Still, year after year students focus on cramming information because that is how it works. The best crammers are rewarded by the system. This is the biggest flaw of our education system. Our education system believes in producing a master in everything rather than trying to understand that each individual has his/her own capability which can be groomed to take the best out of him/her.Risk taking is mocked by restricting everything to marks. Our testing and marking systems need to be rebuilt to recognize original contributions, in form of creativity, problem solving, original research and innovation. If  this happens  successfully Indian education system will change overnight.

Memorizing is no learning; the biggest flaw in our education system is perhaps that it incentives memorizing above originality.We need to make sure that students are given wings to fly their way.Each person is an individual with his/her own talent and flaw.We need to learn to appreciate innovation and risk taking in students.Opening new avenues of success by providing information and not encouraging mugging things just for the sake of scoring good marks.

Our Education system might produce the highest number of Engineers but we still end up outsourcing work for international clients rather than having new ideas and making other countries outsource our work. The goal of our new education system should be to create entrepreneurs, innovators, artists, scientists, thinkers and writers who can establish the foundation of a knowledge based economy rather than the low-quality service provider nation that we are turning into slowly and slowly.

Rather than following the traditional way of teaching we can offer online courses to students & give them the privileged to choose courses of their choice. Students like interactive studies rather than traditional text book studying. Online Learning is coming up as  a great boom in this concern. Online Courses are giving a different edge to our education system. Online courses help in completing education in a flexible and convenient way. We can substantially introduce the blended education system for our students to make learning a fruitful experience.

Sunday 9 March 2014

4,600-Year-Old Step Pyramid Found in Egypt

If history has always been your area of interest and studying about new discoveries excites you then you will be happy to know that 4,600-Year-Old Step Pyramid was uncovered in Egypt, near the ancient settlement of Edfu. The step pyramid, which is 4,600 years old, use to stand high as 43 feet (13 meters), is among the seven so-called "provincial" pyramids built.  The pyramid also predates the Great Pyramid of Giza by atleast few decades. Since it was exposed to erosion and weathering, the pyramid is only 16 feet (5 m) tall now. Till now the scientists are not sure about the purpose of building this pyramid. It is speculated that the pyramid might be the symbol of the king’s power. 

This discovery was presented at a seminar of the Society to help people study about the Egyptian Antiquities, which was organized at Toronto and Canada. To find the mystery behind this pyramid, Gregory Marouard, a research associate along with the University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute decide to work at the Edfu. Built by Snefru (2610-2590 B.C.) or Huni (2635-2610 B.C.), this pyramid is amongst the seventh provincial pyramids. It was built by an ancient Egyptian king, who is the last pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty. 

The fact about the pyramid includes that it has no internal chambers as there was no plan to keep the dead. Built using sandstone and clay mortar, the pyramid has the dimensions of 60 x 60 feet (18.4 x 18.6 m) along with three steps, which also shows similar resemblance to the step pyramid built by Djoser. The pyramid has numerous similarities with other pyramids and is build based on a common plan. It will be an amazing experience for you if you get to see the pyramid as it reflects the expertise of the builder and the intricate stone carving looks splendid.

Monday 24 February 2014

Online Sociology: Enabling You To Help The People In Need

Sociology, the study of human behavior is an interesting subject to learn. This scientific study of people enables the sociologist to have a better understanding of people as both groups and individuals. Earning a degree in sociology enables the students to have a better understanding of the subject.

Sociology online learning involves the study of human behavior and how differently they react on social, religious and legal issues of the society. It enables you to understand the society as a whole and makes you aware of the variations in their response to different circumstances. Considering its significance, people are more interested in the subject and the online education has enabled them to take sociology conveniently as a career.

If you are willing to contribute to the society as a social activist then having a mastery of the subject is a must. Online Bachelor degree in sociology facilitates you to work for the welfare of the society and have better placement opportunities in Health centers, Government organizations, Non- profit organizations and Educational Institutes. Pursuing online course in Sociology not only gives you a scope to hone your competencies whereas it makes sure that you have a convenient study experience. 

Career in sociology is thriving and can lead you in helping others. Studying sociology online can be the best choice for you if you wish to help the people in need. Earning online bachelor degree in Sociology enables you to continue your education and profession in sink.