Monday 6 January 2014

Online Education – Transforming the way education is delivered!

Online education trend is rapidly growing and reaching out to large number of students. As new technologies progress, options for digital and distance learning expand and become more viable to broader range of learners of all ages. 

The evolution of where online or digital learning started and how it is flourishing is really quite staggering. From the past few years many surveys have been conducted to interpret the progress and advancement in online education. 

Future online enrollment growth;

With the advent of established institutions offering online education and new institutions entering the online realm a large majority (69 percent) of academic successful leaders believe that student demand for e-learning is still growing. 83 percent of educational institutions with online education benefits expect their enrollments to expand over the coming year.

Reasons behind growth in Institutions providing online offerings;

Wide variety of institutions cite refined and enhanced student access as the vital reason for offering online programs and courses. Increasing rate of degree completion is an important objective behind this growing trend. The appeal of online instruction is another indicator by the high number of institutions for their online offerings.  

Online education enrollees have increased by 6.52% in contrast to decline in 2.64% in overall student enrollment from the fall of 2011 and 2012. High income growth is seen with an online degree rack up a 27% increase in wages than high school educated men; females get an increase of 16% in wages than their high school educated peers. 

An amazing growth story is yet to come. The advantages of digital learning such as greater course diversity, flexibility and cost are biggest drivers of online education.  

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